
Freshly back from the Motor City, and tired as hell.

My trip home was very enjoyable, though it was apparently a lot more tiring than I imagined. Lori and I are still trying to get back on California time, and aren't having a whole lot of luck. For the curious, I have a few pictures from the trip in my photo album under "Michigan 2003".

It's amazing how much things can change in just a few short years. There were times during the trip that I didn't even recognize Detroit,...

Well, this weekend I'll be on my way to Detroit — my hometown — for the first time in nearly two years. I miss the place despite the bad reputation, and the current happenings. I'm really looking forward to being there.

On other subjects, neither of the jobs that I mentioned in the previous entry panned out. One was for a place that I consider a little more respectable than a pyramid get rich quick scheme, and the other claimed the position was cancelled. Figures. But I still...


Not only has the last week been hectic, but it's been eerily productive as well. First my buddies Maxx and Tom come to town for E3 and I went along for the ride. Lots of interesting games coming out in the near future (within a year or so). Personally, I can't wait!

Then I get contacted about a job, and set up an interview for today. God, I'm nervous about it. It's been roughly a year since the last call I received about a job, and a bit longer since my last interview....

Ok, I'm a little calmer now.

I'm under a fair amount of stress although others don't seem to realize it; hell, Lori claimed recently that she didn't think I was stressed out... I've gotten used to earning my way through this world. I know I am not anyone important, but I've always felt that I can do any job if given the chance, so I'm extremely frustrated right now that no one will give me the chance.

While I am receiving some assistance from my parents, and I'm living...


I'm panicking. I'll admit i.

What kind of world is it that I live in that people don't recognize me for what I am: a skilled, fairly well educated individual in a desparate situation? Why can I not get a job? Fuck, why the hell can't I even get an interview?

It's now been about a full year since I last had a job interview, or even a call back about a job. People are beginning to suggest that I go and work at Rite Aid or at my sister-in-law's company....

Life is strange.

A few years ago I considered myself a writer, and I tried to write any kind of story I could, to give myself experience, and possibly to earn money. Well, nothing ever panned out with my writing, and still hasn't. The other day, my buddy Maxx — art god that he is — asked me for a snippet of a story that he could draw. I hadn't really done any writing in more than four years. So I started writing.

While the story I'm writing is still pretty far from...

Ok, today started off kinda normal... I browsed the web a bit, started reading CNN, found out about the latest shuttle video released, and watched it. Then I noticed a link to, and followed it, and saw that there are some idiots out there that thought that the comet NEAT was either (a) going to hit the Earth, or (b) was forming a new planet, or (c) was something else funky. I decided I had to read this article.

In principle, I can agree that the U.S. government does...

Hi folks,

I'm not sure how many people are out there reading my journal entries, or visiting my web pages, but I've finally come to the realization that I could use a little help. Actually, a lot of help. I won't go into detail here, but take a look at my Helping Hand page for more information.

I really hate to seem like a beggar, or a slacker, or someone that just flat out needs or wants money. But I'm really running out of choices right now. I need a job, and have...

This is a two part rant. First, I'd like to give my most heartfelt condolences to the families of those that died on the Columbia yesterday. My prayers are with you and those that have gone on ahead of us.

As a child, a teacher once asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. My answer was simple, but kind of amazing now looking back more than twenty years later. I wanted to be an astronaut. That's always been one of my dreams. Even now that I'm way too out of shape, and of no condition...

Today's topic, class, is "expansionist tendencies." To be expansionist, you must have a desire to expand something, such as your skills, interests, or territory. Let's first take a look at a good yet simple example.

My expansionist tendencies want me to start developing an operating system based on my own ideas and designs. I know that I already have too many pet projects to even play games that I waited years for, so I know that I have little business starting a project of such grandeur....