No, it's not Christmas time [yet]! Nor is it time to get out there and vote against Bush. Alot of pinheads out there missed that opportunity last week. No, it's my time to once again drop a little praise at the feet of Eminem, for the two kick ass songs on his new album hitting stores this Friday called Encore. Once again with "Just Lose It" he manages to be highly entertaining, creative, and humorous while "Mosh" was pointedly aimed at being released prior to the November 2nd election, but apparently...
Sign this now unless you want 4 more years of lies, war, tax increases, and artificial price hikes in energy resources such as gasoline.
I sold out after many years of resistance. Enough said.
If any of you people out — that might happen to read these words — actually knows Mr. Lucas, please tell him for me that he is my hero more now than ever.
Like so many other fanboys, I grew up in the Star Wars world, and have loved so much about the series. I can't tell you how many Star Wars books I've read, the money that I've spent on toys, video games, and other franchise items. They're beyond my ability to count quickly. But besides the Star Wars franchise is a little known,...
In light of the Republican National Convention, and their use of Afghanistan and Iraq wars in addition to 9/11 as a rallying cry:
The cry has been that when war is declared, all opposition should therefore be hushed. A sentiment more unworthy of a free country could hardly be propagated. If the doctrine be admitted, rulers have only to declare war and they are screened at once from scrutiny ... In war, then, as in peace, assert the freedom of speech and...
Not much has really changed since my last entry... I was contacted regarding a contract position to do some PHP in combination with MySQL, but I'm waiting to hear back from that kind gentleman. I've been spending a lot more time writing and programming (working on Themis mostly) lately than I have reading. Beyond that, not much is really going on... How're things in the real world? Tell me!
The End70 Corporation has finally freed me from my paid thralldom. No longer will I have to support the Internet Treasure Chest! But, alas, this means I am unemployed again... Who knew that I'd be so relieved to be unemployed?
Any ways, I'm not sitting on my thumbs — yet — and have started the job hunt anew. If you're looking or know of someone that is, please take a look at my resume, print it out, spread a thousand copies around town, and that sort of thing...
First up, I had another lovely weekend in San Diego with Lori, this time celebrating our 4th Anniversary and also without having an auto disaster while gone. There were some weird moments during the weekend, however, such as an apparent cop (complete with gun) asking us if it was safe for him to park at a particular location...
Up until now, I was planning on voting for Kerry simply because he's a Democrat and that I want Bush out. Reports came out last week, however, that...
Four years ago today in the city of Torrance, California, Lori F. Yanagisawa became my wife, and my life has never been the same. There have been downs, and there have been ups, and I can honestly say that my life has improved since I met and married you.
Happy Anniversary, Kitten! I love you!
Ok, so it's not important that I just finished reading Chapterhouse: Dune. I don't mind. It's really not that big a deal. But considering the fact that I bought the book, along with the rest of the damned original Dune series of books, more than 13 years ago I think it's worth mentioning! In 1990, I bought the book Dune and Dune Messiah, and read through them painstakingly over a couple of months. I would like to emphasize pain. Despite the great story, Mr. Herbert probably could have cut out...