I am seriously about to give up on this fucking state. Honestly. Perhaps I should instead give up on my life... After having a good weekend, and visiting Maxx, I get back home; park my car in front of my house; go inside and relax; and listen as my car gets hit. Yes, that's right, my car has been hit in front of my home once again. It wasn't even a year ago yet that my car was damaged in a hit and run accident right in front of the house.

To give you an idea of the beauty of this...

That basically sums it up. Despite the fact that I'm working again, despite the fact that I'm married and live with my in-laws, despite the fact that I have friends locally, I feel like I'm totally alone. There is something missing in my life, and I'm not quite sure what it is. I've lost my companions; those that I knew I could always count on to be right there at the right time without being summoned or asked. Yet, I wouldn't say that my friends and family have failed me in any way, I'm just...

As soon as I found out about Assault on Precinct 13, I grew curious. Lawrence Fishburne is in it, so I figured it would probably be pretty damned good. The fact that it's set in Detroit, my home town, both excited and annoyed me. But hey, shit happens. After all, Robocop was supposed to be set in Detroit, though it was filmed entirely in Houston. True Romance supposedly started off in the Motor City as well, though Detroiters will note that there is no 223rd street as mentioned in that movie....

Umm... ok, maybe not what you're thinking. I was saying it feels so good to be working again! It feels even better to be doing something that I've been training myself to do for a few years! At the moment, my job @ TWAcomm consists of porting ASP code to PHP, and writing new code as necessary. Why couldn't I have gotten a job like this earlier? Why did I have to go through the aches and pains of End70/ITC? Why?

Any ways, nothing much is really going on... Lori just got her belly button...

I'm employed again! It's about fucking time! (Just kidding. ;-) ) Courtesy of my friend Sean Bermudez, I became aware of the existance of my new employer TWAcomm.com several weeks ago, and put in my resume as soon as I could. It took a few weeks for them to call me in for an interview, but it happened, and then I got a call the next day saying I got the job! I start on Monday, January 3, 2005, which strangely enough, is almost exactly 5 years after I started work at Be Incorporated. Hopefully...

The title says it all, really. I would go into a lot more of a rant than just now, but I'm feeling a bit strange at the moment. After all the pressures being exerted on me over the last few months financially due to being unemployed again, emotionally due to the anniversary of my father's passing and other issues, I seem to be finally heading in a good direction again. I just upgraded this machine (my web server, mail server, local firewall) for the first time, and I was contacted regarding a...

Well, it's been out for a few days, and I've owned a copy of Eminem's latest album Encore since the date of its release. All I can really say is that the man has far too much talent! Besides "Mosh" and "Just Lose It", my favorite songs include "Rain Man", "Big Weenie", "Ass Like That", "One Shot 2 Shot", and "My 1st Single." Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of other good songs on this albumn, and I've liked more right from the beginning than I did from "The Eminem Show" (which I've listened...

Hey folks, as usual, here's my plea for a job! I need one badly!!! Very badly!! See my resume for my details!

Also, I'm hoping that there is a kind soul out there looking to get rid of a dual Pentium III "slot 1" motherboard such as Tyan's Tiger 100 or 133, or a motherboard that's compatible with an Athlon 1400XP. I'm really aching to upgrade my firewall/web server, and have processors but no motherboards. If you have such a motherboard, and are willing to send it to someone free...

Please purchase item #1 on my Amazon.com wish list for me. Please! Before 11/23/2004!

Well, I guess the fact that I just created an RSS generating PHP script for my journal makes me an official Blogger now. Those of you using Firefox 1.0 (Preview Release or later) should now see that you can subscribe to my journal. Those of you using other browsers can add the RSS feed to whatever you use to read RSS feeds by using this URL: http://bbnk.dhs.org/~rcrodger/rssjournal.php

As always, let me know what's going on in the world by dropping me a line at [email protected].