This is turning out to be quite the interesting month. This is turning out to be a very interesting month. Three things are happening or have happened this month that affect me directly, that are just beyond words really.
First up, of most importance, is that Lori and I have celebrated our second anniversary as a married couple. It was but a pair of short years that have passed since we got married, and only three since we met, but I think that they've been the happiest years of my life....
Hey! It's May First and I still don't have a job! D'oh! Oh well... Today's rant isn't about anything in particular, it's just a running commentary about what's on my mind as of right now.
First off, I'd like to thank my wonderful wife Lori once again for everything that she's done and is. Without her, there would be no me.
Next up, I'm happy. No, scratch that. I'm really happy. Lori bought me a book last night. Not just any book. It's the book adapatation of...
Hey! Before you click on videos and go looking for them, I removed the links and files for Otaku Vengeance and Tripping the Rift. Apparently, someone thought it would be a great idea to point a few message boards to my site as a place to download these files.
While I don't mind some people downloading them, it's gotten to the point that I haven't been able to use my own DSL line to download files myself. So, I've removed them. I suppose I have better things to do with my bandwidth anyways......
No, these aren't things that I'm suggesting you do. They are, however, things that my instincts are telling me to do today. There seems to be something lurking in the mists; concealed from sight and senses, draping cloak of fear about my shoulders.
In response, my instincts and sixth sense are telling me to run and hide as quickly as possible. There's something warning me about being too visible and/or public today... So I guess the best answer over all is to go back to bed and hide...
Ok, it's now coming up on six months since I got laid off, and I still don't have a job. My unemployment insurance is just about to run out, and I still haven't even had an interview. What the hell? Is this some cosmic conspiracy against me? Is God trying to force me to use some of the many talents He gave me just for me to survive?
I don't know, but I'm sure as Hell getting tired. Look, I see all you people coming here looking for the Pokemon and "Tripping" videos......
I just made some minor changes to the page... such as using frames, and I thought I'd note it here. Here are some of the things that were on the old main page here:
The web's biggest pest is back!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I now have yet another web site to spread my twisted thoughts upon. You might remember me from "MugWump's Strangest Californian Son" and "Raymond C. Rodgers' Official Writing Pages", and probably a few other...
I don't know which is more sad: the fact that I haven't had a single interview since I got laid off from Be; the fact that Be's auction was held yesterday; or the fact that I still care.
While I don't have a degree in anything yet, I have seven years of technical support and quality assurance experience under my belt. You would think that would at least get me a tech support job again right? Apparently not. Add to that the fact that I've been programming in various languages on various...
2001 was a historic year. Not for me, though my family, friends and I myself have had historic ups and downs. In the end, I'm happy to see the year go, and I'm praying to God that this year will be a better year. I pray that this year will finally see an end to violence, not just in one location, but everywhere. I pray that this year will see an end to unfairness and discrimination against all people. And I pray that this year, we can at last see the promise of peace, love, and harmony...
I've seen it a lot on television, in movies, and even real life: married parents that are bored with life, and have lost the lust for life that they had as a child. They take on every day responsibilities, work, raise a family, pay taxes... you know, everything a responsible adult is supposed to do. But they are empty. They secretly, though sometimes obviously, wonder "Is there nothing more [to life]?"
Some throw themselves into their passions, their vices, or their religions to find a deeper...
You ever have one of those days where everything just sorta clicks? (No, this is not and advertisement for anything from Microsoft.) Today, me, my wife (Lori), and my sister-in-law Lisa (she's available boys!) went to Magic Mountain.
Ordinarily, there wouldn't be anything particularly special about going to Magic Mountain. But today, through the miracle of giving, we received free passes. We merely gave up some stuffed teddy bears that were bought years ago as potential gifts, but were...