Hi folks!

It's been a while, but if you've stopped by here from time to time, you already know what I'm saying in this post. I have spent the last few weeks hand coding a brand new home page for myself, and I just launched it. There's still a lot to be done on it, such as implementing the old RSS feeds that I had going, adding comment support for posts, and making the logged in user features period. But this is a good start, and I'm excited to see how things start to look.

There's much to do yet, but I hope you like the new look and feel. Oh, did I mention that all my news and blog posts are now searchable? Check that out!

If you need to reach me about anything, feel free to send me a tweet at http://www.twitter.com/z3r0_one for the time being. Especially if you notice any major breakage. There *ARE* a lot of older links that no longer work, so don't worry too much about those.
